Transform Your Health with Cradleomics Precision Medicine

Discover new insights into your health and wellness with our DNA testing, HIV & AIDS management tests, casework DNA testing, and precision medicine services.

What Do I Get?

Unlock Your Health Potential

With precision medicine services such as GenoPharm, GenoSport, GenoDiet, and GenoScreening, you can gain a deeper understanding of your unique health profile and unlock your full health potential.

Female Laboratory Scientist Examining Plant Sample In Test Tube, Work In Genetics Lab

Discover Your Family Roots

With DNA testing services such as Paternity/Maternity Testing, Kinship Testing, Siblingship Testing, and Prenatal Paternity Testing, you can uncover the secrets of your family history and build stronger relationships with your loved ones.

Hands of African female with HIV and Aids at home blood self test kit sitting at a desk waiting to

Take Control of Your HIV/AIDS

With HIV/AIDS management services such as Viral Load, CD4 Count, and Drug Resistance testing, you can take control of your health, receive accurate results, and make informed decisions about your well-being.

Microbiologist taking notes on paper and analyzing dna on computer

Rely on Accurate Results

With casework DNA testing services such as Single Source Testing, Tissue and Teeth Testing, and Difficult Samples Testing, you can rely on accurate results for legal and forensic purposes and have peace of mind knowing that your samples will be collected and processed with the utmost care and precision.


Precision Medicine

Take control of your health and wellness with personalized solutions, including GenoPharm, GenoSport, GenoDiet and GenoScreening.CTA

Doctor takes bud from child mouth to analyze the saliva, mucous membrane for DNA tests, COVID-19

DNA Testing

Get answers about your family history and relationships with services such as Paternity/Maternity Testing, Kinship Testing, Siblingship Testing, and more.

Unrecognizable female African American health worker doing a finger prick test for HIV, drawing

HIV/AIDS Management

Receive expert care and support for managing HIV/AIDS, including Viral Load Testing, CD4 Count Testing, and Drug Resistance Testing

DNA Genetic Test

Casework DNA Testing

Solve complex cases with confidence using our Single Source Casework DNA Testing services, including tissue and teeth analysis and difficult sample testing.


Ensure the quality and efficacy of your medications with our Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Forensic Toxicology services.

Doctor testing samples in flask

Sample Collection

Conveniently and effectively collect samples for all of your testing needs with our Sample Collection Services.

Value Proposition

  • Accurate and Personalised Results

    You deserve the most advanced and precise insights into your health and family history. The company uses cutting-edge technology to provide you with accurate and personalised results through its precision medicine services

  • Expert Support

    With a team of highly trained and experienced professionals, you can trust that you will receive the best possible care and support throughout your experience. You can feel confident that your results are in good hands.

  • One-Stop Solution

    No need to navigate multiple providers to find the solutions you need. The company offers a comprehensive range of services, from DNA testing and HIV/AIDS management to casework DNA testing, so you can find what you need in one place. Your time and convenience is valued.


What People Say


The process for DNA testing involves collecting a sample (such as saliva or a cheek swab) and sending it to our laboratory for analysis. Our team of experts will then perform the DNA test and provide results in a timely and accurate manner.

The turnaround time for test results can vary depending on the type of test and the volume of samples being processed. On average, you can expect to receive results within 2-3 weeks of submitting your sample.

Yes, our team of experts uses state-of-the-art technology and adheres to strict quality control processes to ensure the accuracy of all test results.

If you need your results sooner, we offer expedited testing options for an additional fee. Simply contact us to discuss your options.

Yes, the sample collection process is completely safe and confidential. Our team follows strict protocols to ensure the privacy and security of all samples, and we are committed to protecting the confidentiality of your personal information.

Get In Touch With Us

For more information about our services, get in touch below

Main Office Address

Wilkins Hospital, J. Tongogara / R. Tangwena, Belvedere, Harare, Zimbabwe

Email Address

Phone Number

+263 789 956 552

Open Hours

Mon – Fri: 08:00 – 17:00
Sat – Sun: 08:00 – 13:00